Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win?

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win?

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win?

Hi, companions!

28th June 1914.

A 19-year-old understudy at a school,
kills the Austro-Hungarian Prince.
Furthermore this one episode,
set off the conflict.

A conflict that endured four years.
In which in excess of 20 million individuals lost their lives.

A conflict, in which, a few antiquated domains reached a conclusion.

A conflict that was battled across numerous nations and landmasses.
Today, we are aware of this conflict as the World War I.

Doesn't it sound extremely electrifying?
In view of this one single occasion,
The Second Great War broke across the world.

In the event that we could return to the past in a time machine,
also in the event that we could forestall this death,

could there be no World Wars on the planet?
The truth isn't this basic, companions.

Whenever there's an enormous scope war like this,

there is a long and complex chain of reasons driving it.
And afterward there's one such occurrence that causes a flash.

Envision on the off chance that there's a heap of dynamites here.
Furthermore I utilize a little matchstick to explode the whole mountain,

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

the accompanying impact wouldn't be a direct result of my matchstick,
there was a pile of explosive there

that is the reason it occurred.
Come, in the present video,
we should get World War I.

"January 1916,
140,000 men were gathering for the assault."

In the year 1914,
Europe resembled this on a guide.
There was an Austro Hungarian domain in the center,

the domain was a lot greater than the current size of the nations Austria and Hungary.
Germany's domain was likewise a lot greater than present-day Germany.

Poland wasn't a country.
There was the Russian Empire in Russia.
There was the Ottoman Empire in present-day Turkey.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

Aside from these, there was the United Kingdom and France.
It's intriguing to know companions,

a large portion of the European nations were governments at that point.

There were rulers in those spots.

Truth be told, there were just 3 European nations
that were Democracies rather than governments.

France, Switzerland and San Marino.
There are a few nations in Eastern Europe

like Serbia, Bosnia, Romania, and Bulgaria,
on the whole called the Balkan Countries.

Remember them, they're vital for our story.
We will start our story from the year 1878.

There was a conflict between the Russian realm and the Ottoman domain.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

Footstool realm was on one side
what's more the Russian realm on the other

assisting the Balkan nations with isolating from the Ottoman domain.
At the finish of the conflict,

the Treaty of Berlin was endorsed in 1878.
As per this deal,

the Austro Hungarian domain was given the right

to oversee the locale of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Yet, the region would authoritatively be a piece of the Ottoman realm.
In any case, in October 1908,

the Austro Hungarian realm attached Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Attacked there.

This political exaggeration from that point is extremely intriguing.

The Ottoman Sultan, with his collapsed hands, is feeling powerless.

In view of the inside issues in the Ottoman realm.

There were inward transformations.

During this time, Bulgaria effectively isolated from the Ottoman realm

addressed as the free state in the center.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

On the left, you can see the Austrian head, Franz Josef,

is attempting to take Bosnia-Herzegovina.
He is tearing it out of the guide to take it.

The area of Bosnia-Herzegovina
was under the Ottoman domain for a long time,

be that as it may, rather than getting autonomy,
one more realm came in and caught them.

Clearly, individuals of Bosnia were irritated at this.
They needed opportunity.

Individuals in the adjoining country Serbia were likewise irritated at witnessing this.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

The Serbians didn't just have a topographical association with the Bosnians

they even had an ethnic association.
In reality, all the Eastern European nations

have the nationality of Slavs.
Many individuals living in these nations feel this association.

Indeed, assuming you check the lower part of the guide out,

the nations in dull blue,
individuals in these nations call themselves South Slavs.

Many individuals in these nations
indeed, even requested a South Slavic Nation.

Serbia whined that

the Austro Hungary domain
wasn't just attacking Bosnia,
rather, they were attacking the South Slavs.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

Prior to catching the country, the unfamiliar clergyman of Austria-Hungary,

had effectively spoken with the Russian unfamiliar pastor,

requesting that Russia forgo protesting it
as they were giving them earlier suggestion of their catch.

Furthermore Russia consented to them.
Since Russia needed something consequently.
See this guide, this is the Black Sea,

furthermore the Sea of Marmar is in the South.
the Strait of Bosphorus joins the two.
Furthermore separating Istanbul into 2.

This part had a place with the Ottoman realm.
What's more Russia needed to have this.

So Russia told the Austro-Hungarian domain

that Russia would add-on the district.
Thus they shouldn't go against them.

What's more Russia wouldn't agree that anything either when they catch Bosnia.
A decent arrangement.

However, there was an issue.
The issue was that numerous Slavic individuals lived in Russia.

What's more numerous Russians began fighting the intrusion of Bosnia.

How is it that they could consent to the Austro-Hungarian domain
overseeing Slavic individuals?

The Russian realm was at that point powerless.
It needed to maintain the desires of individuals.

So notwithstanding the mysterious arrangement,

the Russian unfamiliar clergyman
begun supporting Serbia.
It was 1909,

the Austro-Hungarian domain turned towards Germany and asks them

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

assuming they catch Serbia,
also Russia comes to meddle,

could Germany help the Austro-Hungarian realm?

Germany consents to help them as they were lifelong companions.

They'd help.
Then again, Russia asks France,

Austro-Hungarian realm had first attacked Bosnia,

what's more when Serbia had a problem with it,
the Austro-Hungarian domain and Germany,

had worked together to assault Serbia.

Russia suggested that France should get its powers together with Russia to battle against them.

However, France answers that
it doesn't have anything to do with Bosnia.

despite what occurred, they would have rather not meddle regarding this situation.

France's refusal quieted Russia.
Furthermore it needed to acknowledge the addition of Bosnia.

With this,
the danger of a conflict
the danger of World War resulting
However at that point comes the death of Ferdinand.

The thing was that,
the Bosnians that were attached,

the Bosnians didn't acknowledge that compliantly.
The Bosnians needed opportunity.

Another progressive development had started.
It is named the Young Bosnia.

It was a progressive gathering of understudies.
What's more the Serbians were helping them.
They planned to fabricate a free country.

Why World War 1 happened? | The Real Reason |

Indeed, not exclusively did they plan to free Bosnia-Herzegovina,
yet in addition to join with Serbia.

They needed to fabricate a United South Slavic country.
What a wonderful name, Yugoslavia.
Yugo implies South.
An able term for a South Slavic country.

Spoiler alert, it turned into a reality later on.
Despite the fact that, at this point, the nation has fallen to pieces as well.

In any case, on 28th June 1914,
the sovereign of Austro-Hungary, Ferdinand,
With his significant other, Sophie, went to visit the added domain in Bosnia.

They needed to a go through the recently procured area,
however, soon that make a lot enduring them.
Six Bosnian progressives wanted to kill them.

Around 10 AM,
a progressive named Cabrinovic,
tossed a bomb close to Ferdinand's vehicle.

In any case, the bomb bobbed on the vehicle and exploded in a side road.
Harming 20 individuals.

Ferdinand got away from this.
The gathering he was gone to was then dropped in view of the shock

also lets the Bosnian city chairman know that
They chose to drop the program and go to the emergency clinic.

To meet the harmed individuals.
While heading to the clinic,

their vehicle messes up erroneously.
Whenever they attempted to return to the right course,

they understood that as a matter of fact,
they were a simple 5 feet from a progressive.

A 19-year-old school understudy,
Gavrilo Princip,

I discussed him toward the start of the video.
This was the individual to take shots at Ferdinand and his significant other Sophie.

Thus killed the ruler of the Austro-Hungarian realm.

Gavrilo Princip was captured right away
in any case, he was 2 months shy of 20 years

thus, as indicated by the law, he was unable to be given capital punishment.

Gavrilo was condemned to 20 years in prison for this death.

During the preliminary, he said that
he was a Yugoslav Nationalist.

That he meant to join the yugo slavs.
In any case, it didn't make any difference to him which state would Yugoslav be a piece of.

However, during the preliminaries, he needed that
Bosnia should be liberated from Austria.

The sovereign of the Austro-Hungarian domain is infuriated at the death.
In his displeasure,

the pronounces battle on Serbia.
Russia considers this to be an endeavor to add-on Serbia.

Thus Russia went to save Serbia.
Germany saw that Russia was taking arms against the Austro-Hungarian domain.

Thus Germany went to save the Austro-Hungarian domain.
This time, France doesn't remain behind.
France arrived at there on the side of Russia and Serbia.

This made an intriguing chain
called the Chain of Friendship.
This is a fascinating personification
attracted to depict what is going on.
Italy was in collusion with Austria-Hungary and Germany.

However, Italy reneges on the consent to help the two.
Since the understanding expressed that if there should be an occurrence of an assault on their country
the others would help them.
In any case, it was Austria-Hungary and Germany that were attacking Serbia.

They began the assaults.
So Italy asserted that they will undoubtedly help.
But since the Ottoman domain had hatred with Russia,

the Ottoman domain came to on the side of the Austro-Hungarian realm.
The United Kingdom engages in this as well.

Since Russia, France, and Britain had a union settlement called the Triple Entente.
This was the secret
the Great conflict resulted.

In which this multitude of nations were at battle with one another.
Afterward, nations like the USA and Japan
join this conflict on the side of Britain and France.

What's more clearly, the nations that were under British rule,
like Pakistan,
engages in this conflict.
Since the British required fighters.

What's more the least demanding optio.


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