Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win? | ,Why Ukrainian Attack on Russia? History explained

Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win? | ,Why Ukrainian Attack on Russia? History explained


#RussiawarRussian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win? | ,Why Ukrainian Attack on Russia? History explained

Hello, friends!
On 1st September 1939,
Germany's dictator, Adolf Hitler,
invaded the neighbouring country, Poland.
That was the beginning of World War II.
The most destructive war in the world,
in which millions of people died.
Hundreds of thousands of Jewish people were killed.
In the concentration camps.
Entire families are wiped out.
Among these families, there was the Jewish family
of Simon Ivanovich Zelensky.
He was a young boy,
he had lost his three brothers in the Holocaust.
His father was also killed in the Holocaust.
Seeing half his family die,
Ivanovich Zelensky decided to fight against Hitler.
He enlisted himself in the Red Army of the Soviet Union.
After years of war,
the Red Army joined the Allied forces,
and finally defeated Hitler in 1945.
A soldier of the 57th Guards Motor Rifle,
Ivanovich was also a part of the victory.
He survived the war.
Moving ahead, on 25th January 1978,
his grandson Volodymyr Zelenksy was born.
Since his childhood, he was interested in acting.
At the age of 17,
he builds a career for himself in comedy.
He became an actor-comedian.
For Ivanovich's grandson Volodymyr,
it was a different age than the one his grandfather knew.
He didn't have to live through a war.
But he saw the corruption all around.
Fed up with the corruption in his country,
he decided to get into politics.
To drive out corruption from his country.
He ran in the Presidential Elections in 2019,
and he is the victor.
Fast forward to 2022,
history takes an irrevocable turn,
and war comes knocking on the Zelensky family's door.
It's being said that the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,
is the Target No. 1 for Putin.
And his family is Target No, 2.
The Russian forces have been told that
the Zelensky family is to be assassinated.

Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win? | ,Why Ukrainian Attack on Russia? History explained

If experts are to be believed,
Putin aims to overthrow the Ukrainian government.
And to establish a puppet government in Ukraine.
To establish a new government,
that would act on Putin's directions.
In the midst of the threat, many people believed that
Zelensky would flee his country.
In the same way that the Afghanistan President had fled his country.
When the Taliban captured the country.
But it wasn't so here.
Zelensky didn't flee his country,
rather, he came to the forefront,
and gave this thought-provoking speech.
At the initial stage of the invasion,
not only did he address his countrymen,
but he also spoke in Russian,
trying to send a message to the Russians.
He said that he has no enmity with the Russians.
Putin is trying to brainwash people,
and Putin's puppet media is trying to manipulate the Russians,
into believing that the Ukrainians had attacked them.
He reiterated that the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian Army,
are merely taking defensive actions.
They are sitting peacefully in their country
and there has been no provocation by them.
And it is a clear cut invasion by Putin.
"Russia has attacked Ukraine.
This is a brutal act of war.
Our thoughts are with the brave people of Ukraine.
"That this is nothing than his state.
And he's convinced himself,
that it is his role,
to reconstitute what he considers to be
historical Russia.
Including Ukraine."
It has been two days since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
I am making this video on the night of the 26th of February.
Things are changing rapidly.
At this point in time,
you can see the status update on this map.
This is Ukraine's map,
The area under the control of the Ukrainian government is shown in yellow,

Russian Invasion Latest Update | Can Ukraine still Win? | ,Why Ukrainian Attack on Russia? History explained

And the red on this map,
show how the Russian forces are invading Ukraine from three sides.
The area in red,
has already fallen to the control of the Russian military.
The yellow dots on this map,
are the points where
bombs have been dropped or attacks have been carried out
by the Russian Airforce.
They attacked military points mostly.
Where the weapons of the Ukrainian Army were stored.
But some civilian homes were also destroyed
and civilians lost their lives too.
The reports show that by now,
135 Ukrainians have lost their lives.
More than 100,000 people had to evacuate their homes,
and several thousands of them,
are leaving Ukraine.
If you look at this map again,
you'd see that in the South and East,
the Russian forces have been quite successful in their missions.
But in Northern Ukraine,
the Ukrainian forces have been holding them off bravely.
During this war, we witnessed some heroic stories.
Such as from the Snake Island.
It is an island in South Ukraine.
When the Russian forces occupied the island,
13 Ukrainian soldiers
refused to surrender even after capture.
Instead, they started insulting the Russian soldiers in front of them.
And were eventually martyred.
The Defence Ministry of Ukraine has reported that
6 Russian aircraft, 2 helicopters,
and 2 tanks have been destroyed.
And 50 Russian soldiers were killed in the counterattack.
Martial Law has been imposed in Ukraine.
A state of Emergency where
restrictions on the movement of people have been imposed.
Political parties have been banned temporarily,
to maintain national security and public order.
And instead of the police,
the Ukrainian soldiers are now responsible for enforcing the law.
Additionally, Ukraine has said that
every man from the age of 18 to 60,
can not leave the country.
All able-bodied men,
need to be prepared for the war.
More than 10,000 assault rifles
are being given to civilians.
The rifles are being distributed among the common folks,
so that they can protect themselves.
And can stand up to fight against the Russian Army.
Others are taking shelter in Ukraine's underground metro station.
These are the scenes from there.
"We know that people are taking shelter in subways
as they're really concerned about Russian bombings.
I think what you are seeing now
is a near-total disruption of daily life.
On the other hand, something really surprising happened in Russia.
Thousands of people started protesting in St. Petersburg.
Protesting against Putin.
Chanting the slogans that they don't want a war.
And that Putin is a warmonger here.
This is surprising because,
we know that there are many people in Russia that do not want a war
but to protest in Russia,
this is an act of bravery
because Putin is basically a dictator.
And everyone who speaks out against Putin is jailed.
Thousands of the protestors have now been detained by Putin.
The Russians know that
they would be put into jails for protesting against Putin,
but they are still coming out to protest
They want to show that
the invasion that's taking place,
is because of Putin's desire.
It is not the will of the Russians.
Putin has given a justification that says that
he is carrying out demilitarisation and de-Nazi-fication in Ukraine.
According to Putin, Ukraine has carried out a genocide in the separatist areas.
How true is this?
Not at all.
The story that I told you at the beginning of the video,
was of Zelensky's grandfather.
He had fought against the Nazis.
They were Jewish.
So when Putin labels them as 'Nazis', it makes no sense.
Protests against Putin are now being seen worldwide.
From Tokyo to New York,
people are protesting in front of the Russian embassies.
Many people came together at the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel.
With banners reading "Putin is the New Hitler", "Stop Putin", and "Stop War."
The Anonymous Hacker Group,
it is a famous hacker group,
has declared that
they are starting a cyberwar against Russia.
They had shut down several Russian websites.
including the Russian propaganda channel, RT.
Their websites were down for many hours after the attack.
Garry Kasparov, one of the greatest chessplayers in the world,
is a Russian living in Russia,
and has been very vocal about criticising Putin.
In 2007, he went to jail for protesting against Putin.
On Twitter, he addressed the world leaders across the world, and tweeted that
they should support Ukraine
and provide weapons and intelligence
and to bankrupt Putin's war machine.
That the finances of Russia should be freezed and ceased.
He says this even though he is a Russian.
Anyway, if we return to the present situation,
The Chernobyl area is now under Russian occupation too.
You'd remember the famous area of Chernobyl.
The site of the Chernobyl disaster.
When the Russian troops were moving through here,
the radioactive dust was swept up into the air.
This led to a spike in the radioactive levels of the area.
It is very important to protect this area from any form of bomb blasts and missile attacks,
Because if a bomb is dropped here,
the nuclear material that is still present there,
would spread all over Russia and Europe.
Talking about Indians,
the estimates of the Ministry of External Affairs said that
about 20,000 Indian nationals were living in Ukraine.
Of them, about 4,000 people
had fled the country.
When Russia had announced that they would launch a military operation against Ukraine.
A few weeks ago, a notice was published by the Indian government
that the Indians living there
should evacuate the country.
Some people believe that the rest of the Indian living in Ukraine,
were very careless because they didn't take this seriously.
Because of this, they now have to suffer.
But some people say that
when they had tried to book a flight, the flights were full,
so they had no option to leave the country.
This resulted in 16,000 people
16,000 Indians,
being trapped in Ukraine even in this worsening situation.
Foreign Secretary Harshvardhan Shringla said that
the Indian embassies in Slovakia, Romania, Poland, and Hungary,
have sent out teams
for rescue operations on the Ukraine border areas.
Makeshift facilitation centres have been set up in the border areas.
For the Indian Nationals.
So the Indians who can successfully cross the border,
can take an Air India flight
from the Romanian capital Bucharest,
or from Budapest, the capital of Hungary.
Some important numbers are put up on the screen.
You or your family members can use these
if you are trapped in the midst of this situation.
In the entire situation,
the United States, NATO, and the United Nations
haven't taken any direct military response yet.
There have indeed been many economic sanctions
by the European countries and the US,
South Korea, Japan,
Australia, Canada,
but they have no impact on Russia.
Russia hasn't stopped the invasion fearing those.
That's why some people are criticising NATO and the US,
because they aren't directly interfering by using their military.
If they want, they can send their military directly to Ukraine,
to fight against the Russian military.
But the counterargument here is that
the US and the European countries
don't want to interfere with their military again
in the fight of some other country.
Because this would increase the chances of a World War.
If you are confused here
about whom to support,
about which side is right,
I would like to say the same thing I've been saying in many videos.
Your sympathy should always lie with the common folk.
The common people.
Whether they are Ukrainian or Russian.
We need to oppose the war.
We need to be against war.
We need to be against injustice.

I hope you found this article informative as always.
Thank you very much.


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